What might alien flora look like? Plants that feed on rays from distant stars, live in a different atmosphere and are subject to constant gravitational fluctuations. 

The AIXXA project is part of a universe I continue to develop that began with the release of Alien Clock. There are 9 planets in this universe: Xcudlez, Quairq, Xiurq, Ptlmoerq, Ubqagle, Ffxang, Yumg, Bwuzq, Vtolmr. At this point, there is little information about it. All that is known is that the alien races from these planets were at war for a long time, but when their civilizations evolved and the age of humanity came, the wars stopped and only the Insect Battles remained, as a competition of technology and a reminder of the terrible past in which so many aliens died.

AIXXA is a form of plant that exists on a planet Vtolmr with constantly changing gravitational flows. They exist in united colonies, floating endlessly in the air taking bizarre shapes and constantly changing color under the influence of temperature, different gases, and radiation of the stars surrounding the planet. Each colony goes through many cycles, migrating along the entire surface of the planet. In places where gravity weakens, plants put down "roots" and attach themselves to the planet's surface. There is still debate about the intelligence (collective intelligence) of AIXXA plants. They are listed as an inheritance of the Vtolmr planetary system and are protected by an intergalactic convention

When I created this algorithm, I was guided by the description. On the canvas, many points are created, arranged in a certain order. And then the leaves and trunks of AIXXA start to "grow" out of them. And if at this point, gravity decreases, then, the trunks descend to the surface of the planet so that the plant colony does not rise too high and die in the upper layers of the atmosphere.

AIXXA colonies are thought to be a collective intelligence because of the patterns they form in the sky. The most frequent forms were captured by scientific observers and presented in the collection:

Structure. The plants take the form of a grid and in this form are moved from place to place. There is a theory that this is the most convenient form for moving. However, there are versions that the form of the grid allows better capture of microwaves transmitted by other plant colonies and thus can communicate at a longer distance.


Plexus. The plants go up and down at a certain angle to each other. In this way, there is an interaction between the members of the colony, which leads to its enlargement.


"Tree". The form got its name from the bright representatives of the flora of the planet "Earth" - trees. In fact, it is a swarm of AIXXA "put down roots" during the strongest gravitational storms. It is the best form to hold near the surface.


"Grass". Another name from terrestrial flora. It is a very rare form. It is the "birth" of AIXXA. The young shoots strive upward, ready to take off into the atmosphere of the planet Vtolmr. An unforgettable sight, dear to every member of this race.


Unity. The image of this form is often used as a symbol of something inseparable and eternal.Two AIXXA colonies unite into one, but before they do so they spend some time in this form, intertwining with each other to form a single entity forever.


H-streams. Horizontal flows of plants in the summer, when gases accumulate near the surface of the planet, which AIXXA feeds on. The colony takes this form to feed each of its members with it.


V-streams. Vertical flows of plants during the period when streams of light gases burst from the surface of the planet and rush into the upper layers of the atmosphere.


Spiral. The most mysterious form. There are no confirmed theories, but the most popular one is that AIXXA plays so that it is simply an expression of happiness. Because this form is observed on the most favorable days for the plant.


Oscillations. Observed when two colonies unplanned overlap in the same territory. It is not proven that AIXXA can be hostile, but looking at this form it seems that they are "figuring things out". However, this never leads to the death of plants, just after this form it becomes impossible for the colonies to move to the Unity form.


Curls. The moment the colony forms a spiral vortex, spinning at high speed around a powerful gas flow bursting out of the planet's core.


Wall. The mature adult colony forms an almost solid wall, protecting the young colony (Grass) from outside influences: wind and starlight, which can harm the unformed plants.


H-storm and V-storm. These are forms of streams during periods of gravitational fluctuations. At these moments, the "streams" of plants take the form of waves, bending under the influence of gravity, but remaining united.
